Thursday, December 8, 2011

Friends on the Hill

4 Blackwater employed truck drivers were ambushed, shot, burned, and hung from a bridge in Fallujah. Certainly a sad day, but it needs to be examined more closely. These drivers were knowingly sent into a dangerous area with vehicles that WERE NOT ARMORED and had no rear gunner for protection. Sending these men on this route like that is a common practice among private contractors in order to make more money. The families and loved ones were never told the truth and still are not. Once they sued Blackwater, rightfully, the contracting giant fired back a $10 million counterclaim, saying that these men signed a contract not to sue Blackwater. This is beyond wrong, this is pure greed. These companies run wild in Iraq burning whatever is slightly damaged so that the government can buy them a new one. Not only do they get away with murder and robbery but they get away with it. They are backed by the government. When you have Dick Cheney on your Board of Director's and other high ranking Department officials, you can get away with it. They have a lot invested in these private contracting companies so they will do whatever it takes to protect them. And it keeps the troops in Iraq, which allows these companies to get even more contracts. They want the troops to stay in Iraq.

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