Thursday, December 1, 2011

This is just crazy.

So, Food Inc. definitely made me completely sick. And I'm not even referencing to the grotesque scenes. I am so disgusted at this country. I can't believe the things that are hidden from us. It seems that nothing is left pure or untouched by the hands of capitalism. Something as simple and vital as food has turned into a money market where people, animals, and the environment are hurt.

The food companies chemically process almost everything we eat. Who knows how many chemicals are floating around our bodies? We try to eat healthy by eating fruits and vegetables, but even those have been touched by chemicals. People die from eating things like peanut butter, cantaloupes, and spinach! This is insanity.
This new age has basically turned food into a science, which is quite sickening. Things we put in our bodies shouldn't be scientific experiments. All of this processed and genetically engineered food is such a fairly new invention. It makes me wonder if anybody even knows the long term effects it can have on our bodies. I feel like we aren't biologically evolved to eat all of the stuff we eat, yet it's so hard to get away from it and it's all we are exposed to.

A little off topic, but what about this whole thing about pizza being ruled a vegetable now because of the tomato sauce? I don't know if that is 100% true or not (every time I look it up, it's not clear). If it is true however, this is a prime example of how little America is doing to fix our health problems.

Our government needs to do something to fix this issue, even if it does risk losing some money. We shouldn't be exposed to harm when we eat.

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