Thursday, December 1, 2011


well i think this is a perfect way to get my 15th blog post!

this movie was soooo unbelievably disturbing that i cant even think about it! every time i think about it i start to gag and get extremely disgusted! i grew up a vegetarian because my mom is one so i always just followed her ways. when i started dating my boyfriend i experienced eating meat. not that i dont love animals o anything but i never excluded meat from my diet because of the thought of animal cruelty, i just never really wanted to eat it. however after seeing the things they do to the animals and the conditions they give them to live in, im just in shock. i guess i never realized this sort of thing went on. after this movie, i cant even bring myself to put meat in my mouth. that night, i went grocery shopping and was disgusted at the thought of putting meat in my cart. i think this is a good thing though because its healthier!

now about the farmers...i guess i don't understand why anyone would wanna borrow 500,000 dollars from the bank or wherever they borrow it from and then only make 19,000 dollars a year!?!?!? that is absurd to me and i do understand why people even wanna put themselves through it. maybe i missed something they said in the movie but how come the state or whoever is trying to fire farmers? can anyone fill me in?

all in all, i think this movie was one of the most beneficial ones that we watched in class. it was very informative and it really opened my eyes to what really goes on in the farming industry. i do however regret the fact of watching it because now i literally cant eat meat without the thought of throwing up!!

1 comment:

  1. The simple answer you your question is that companies need to have a good image in order to sell more of a product and by putting the people who have farms in debt they can force their mouths shut with the dept that they owe. If they told people about what actually happens behind the scenes they would end up like our class completely disgusted and angry. hope this helps answer the question its the only thing i could think of to answer it.
