Thursday, December 8, 2011

Response to Food Inc.

After having watched Food Inc. I must say I was pretty disturbed. I guess the thing that bothered me the most was the treatment of the animals. It really sickens me to the point of not wanting to eat meat. But the fact of the matter is that I won't stop. I feel like this is how a lot of people view this as well. We all don't want to see animals being mistreated and not being fed and being raised in horrible living conditions, but will that really stop any of us from eating a quick and easy hamburger on the grill? We are not subjected to seeing how these animals are treated on a daily basis so it is pretty much an out of sight, out of mind kind of thing. Also, it is way too convenient to just stop into the grocery store and pick up some chicken or pork or beef. Not to mention that it is pretty cheap as well. The way are food system is set up, is pretty manipulative and set in its ways. We can all try to eat organic or become vegetarians or vegans, but the majority of people will continue to eat the way that they have been eating for years. The only way I think that this can change is a major recall in food that probably would have to result in thousands of deaths for people to realize the dangerous way our food is produced. The fact is that cheap food is conveniant and usually what most of us can afford, so that is what we are going to keep on buying.

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