Thursday, December 1, 2011


I Just googled Monsanto and their website was the first to pop up. The first thing you see on the website is a message from Monsanto stating, "If there were one word to explain what Monsanto is about, it would have to be farmers." This seems laughable after watching the end of the film today. It's crazy that company in this day and age can control 90% of a product in this country. Scary music aside, it was sad to see them go after farmers with lawsuits when they were just trying to make an honest living. You can have a patent on a seed? That seems absurd to me. I agree with John when he said he didn't like the messages at the end of the film about "voting with your fork." I feel not enough people can afford to buy local or organic to make a substantial difference. The companies making these product need to be held more accountable by the government.

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