Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I watched this movie a few weeks ago. Its about a group of college students who want to learn more about the illegal immigration system. They travel to Mexico and try to sneak into American illegally which a large group of Mexicans who are searching for that American dream. They basically risk their lives to come into our country. After they get to the American side, they all pile into a trunk. The driver of the trunk ends up getting shot and it all goes downhill from there. The movie is SERIOUSLY messed up! This group of crazy hillbillies captures this group of immigrant and tortures them and the ones that they don’t kill they keep them as slaves.

At the end of the movie it shows (in real life) how American built the walls between us and Mexico and how people are still risking their lives to come over to America.

This is the trailer for the video but it doesn’t give ANYTHING way abou tthe movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkeJgrjXxWc

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