Thursday, December 1, 2011

The wool over our eyes

In society today so many businesses are all about pulling the wool over our eyes and making the best use out of the ignorance the average consumer has. I for one am an example of this because I go to the store and i buy something and don't think twice about how it got there I am usually to busy thinking about how good the food is going to taste or the outrageous price they are charging. most foods that we have always thought were natural are not, whether it be fruits, vegetables or even milk is not something that is natural anymore. fruits and vegetables are genetically altered to grow larger over shorter periods of time to sizes that are unnaturally larger than ever before. Cows are being fed things other than grass and are even being injected with things that allow them to produce more milk than ever before. Most milk then has chemicals and preservatives added to it to change its color and make it last longer. The big question then becomes do companies not want us to know how foods are produced because we won't want to buy food that is fake or do they realize that the food is dangerous to consume when its full of who knows what kind of chemicals.

Society especially in America is well known for keeping its people in the dark in order to create what they call truth. Society utilizes our own ignorance to sell more products, they really are just a bunch of liars and in the rare occasion they are not lying I can guarantee that they are not telling the whole truth. What then can any individual do against the monster society has become?

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