Thursday, December 1, 2011

We Have To Wake Up

Okay so I may not speak up in class a lot, but I have a ton to say.

Firstly, John I completely agree with you on your thoughts on how the producers of Food, Inc ended the movie. This problem should not be put on the backs of consumers. I am not for some nanny-state where the government protects their citizens from everything, but we need our government to have some teeth and do what it's supposed to.

If the days of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle showed us anything it's that capitalism does not police itself. In fact, capitalism by definition would prefer absolutely nothing in its way of maximizing profit.

Sinclair's work prompted the creation of the FDA whose sole purpose is to police the food industry. Now what have we dissolved into? Something that back when the FDA was created could not even be fathomed: the CEOs who run the food industry are now the chairmen of the FDA. That is the antithesis of what the FDA should be.

And guess what? We as citizens should know this. We should be Mad As Hell about this. We're paying a huge government agency and now it's been corrupted in the most fundamental way.

We have to wake up and tell our government to do its job. Don't vote with your fork, vote at the ballot box. Vote in people who do not condone these things.

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