Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Biology Question

On Thursday in class, there was a point brought up about drugs that were tested on different racial categories and how the results indicated that the prescription drug did not work on some races of people, while it did work on others. I was just thinking and wondering that is this study was true, that wouldn't that be more evidence that there is a biological difference between races? If the study was true to its word in saying that it did test on people of several races, I think this is pure evidence that there must be a biological difference between them. As we have learned by simply watching say the Olympics for example, the men who are racing in the 100 meter sprint are for the most part African American males. Is this racism that got these men to this point? I don't believe so. I think that African American men are probably just faster and more athletic, when it comes to sprinting at least. This must mean there is a biological difference right?

This following link is video of the 2008 Olympic mens finals for the 100m sprint, which if you notice, includes a field of all African American men.

Going back to the topic of the prescription drug testing, what other reason could allow for such a result? It is proven throughout history that different racial groups have a variety of physical appearances. Is it so hard to believe that we are biologically different as races as well? I am not intending to be racist by bringing this point up, as I believe that we are all in the same as people and how we act toward each other, but I just wanted to throw this out there.

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