Sunday, September 11, 2011

How Racism is Derived

In the first class that we wrote in the Blue Book I had a definition of Racism that I thought clearly defined how racism in The United States and the World is something that is closely associated with a person’s personal opinion on other people, based on physical characteristics that have nothing to do with biological characteristics. The entire world today is always focused on the most infinitesimal details that make everyone appear different or unique. In my introduction to Anthropology class I have been learning extensively about human evolution and how similar all humans really are to each other, with that being said on average any two given humans have a genetic variation of about .1% which in the grand scheme of what makes us human is very small. However from that .1% of variations, the physical characteristics that make people treat others differently is originated. Racism can also stem from things like the type of lifestyle individuals have, stereotypes pertaining to common actions of similarly looking people and also the amount of wealth different groups of people may possess. My personal opinion however, is that the true source of racism is derived from the differences of physical appearance.

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