Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Great movie about the American drug war.

I recently stumbled upon a movie that does an amazing job of explaining the true nature of America’s war on drugs. The movie American drug war the last white hope delves into the issues surrounding the prison industrial complex, the need to fill jails with non-violent offenders and fitting with our discussion in class the movie also addresses the disproportionate number of minority’s arrested in this all out war. However I suggest watching the movie mostly because of the other issues covered that we never got to cover, such as how the government may have been involved in the importation of illegal drugs during the Iran-contra affair, supporting crack use in the inner cities and many other questionable operations. It’s important to realize that most of what we have been told about drugs/ drug laws by the government is clearly one sided at best and is in many ways dishonest. Anyone who is interested in learning about the true history of the American war on drugs and how we got where we are today should take the time to watch the movie. It’s fairly entertaining and can be found on Netflix.

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