Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Movie Audiences

The intended audience for most movies, especially old Westerns, is white people. Back a few decades this was because other races weren't "equals" to the whites. Nowadays I think it's more out of habit and the fact that it's mostly middle class people from the suburbs who are spending their money on movies, and as of now most middle class people from the suburbs are white. Essentially, people go to movies so they can forget their lives and pretend to be in someone elses for a while. Hollywood knows that people will identify with someone more like themselves so they follow the masses when it comes to who to cast; more white people are going to the movies, so more white people will be in the movies. This isn't right, especially when other races are given demeaning parts.

When the kids from Crow Agency School were shown Little Big Man with all the graphic images, I think they were frightened. First off, they seemed too young to be watching anything of the sort. But also, this movie may have given them a conflicting view on themselves. They don't know that some people think these things about them but after being shown it over and over again, they may start to believe it about themselves. We as a society absolutely need to overcome these misconceptions. No one should have to think down upon themselves because they think that's how they're viewed.

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