Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Jim Crow

I was really surprised to see how much explicit and underlying racism exists in film and television today. I was particularly surprised to see the original racist words in the opening Aladdin song. This got me wondering if there was other racist content in Disney films. I started looking for things on the internet and there are COUNTLESS blatant examples of racism in Disney films. Much of them have been edited or removed due to backlash from the targeted population. However, much of it has been completely unchanged. Although all the examples were pretty outrageous, here are a couple that I found particularly so.
1. The black crows from Dinsey's Dumbo. These crows are black, constantly smoking, and speaking in stereotypical "jive talk." The main crow's character is literally named Jim Crow.
2. The original centaur scene in Disney's Fantasia included a servant brown girl centaur to the beautiful while centaur. She was taken out of the film in the re-release in 1960.
There are more examples at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHyzAbV6nuM
The blatant stereotypes and racism in these films is obviously a huge problem. It begins teaching children at an extremely early age to have racist and stereotypical values. If these values are ever going to lessen or disappear in society, they most definitely have to disappear from these films.

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