Monday, September 19, 2011

The Deeper Issue

I would like to comment on the a question that was brought up in class, which was "Due to the fact that there are more black males in prison than any other male does that mean that blacks are bad people, or more violent than others?" 
From the time blacks were brought into America most have had to struggle in some way shape or form, nothing was ever given on a silver platter. A lot of black families have never rose above poverty because it is almost impossible to get out of the oppressed damaged state of mind that some have. Being discriminated against and facing unfair job and housing opportunities from the beginning have made some "give up."  Some inner city school systems are dirty, lack necessary learning materials and most of the time have a very low graduating percent with a very high drop of rate.  A lot of impovershed black families don't think they stand a chance of being more than what their parents were or successfully (or legally) making it out of their bad neighborhoods. Therefore when kids watch older guys outside selling drugs and riding in nice cars, they think that thats the way to go instead of going to school or getting a job. Not only does it look easy but it also looks cool to them and it will give them extra money for their struggling family. As the saying goes, "We are all a product of our environment." When all that these young poor blacks boys had to look up to is a drug dealer of course they will try and replicate and become just like that, which will cause them to eventually end up dead or in prison. It is a fact that most black males that are incarcerated came from poor families and bad neighborhoods. This is why there are so many black males in prison, they are essentially trying to make a way for themselves as well as their families in a harsh unfair world. Not to justify drug dealers, but this is the only choice that some people have.

1 comment:

  1. Kierra - I love the point you made about the state of mind. Even though people say, you know everyone can make something of themselves if they put their mind to it and work hard. Yet that really doesn't account for, like you said, the fact that certain neighborhoods don't have good schools or good job opportunities. I've met people myself who essentially have given up and believe that there is no way out so they're just going to act like the people they know, which could essentially get them into trouble. Some African Americans have been oppressed for so long and I completely agree that for some the state of mind is damaged, which is so unfortunate.
