Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Just a little disheartenening.

I was thinking about what we talked about in class on Thursday, specifically about the crazy increase of people in jail, especially those who are black or brown. We discussed how most of the "crimes" committed were drug felonies. I think that it's really ridiculous. The money that America is spending on keeping these "criminals" in prison is obviously contributing to the national debt. And the fact that most of these people are in jail for drug offenses blows my mind. In the reading that we had to do for Thursday, there was a story about a young black man that brought home drugs after visiting his friends and after they convinced him to bring them home with him. Unfortunately, it was crack cocaine, which falls under the 100:1 rule. This kid, who had no previous charges and had a clean record, and who was searched simply because he looked like he had drugs on him, spent 10 years in prison. The fact that murderers can spend fewer years in prison than a man that had a little bit of crack on him and had a clean record previous to that, really bothers me. We had mentioned in class how people who carry felony charges are treated as second class citizens. I believe that murderers and rapists that get out of jail should be treated as second class citizens, but people that were charged with drug "crimes"? It is really unfair that this is going on in America right now and hopefully as people become more aware, we will be able to fix this growing problem before it brings us all down.

1 comment:

  1. Ellyn - I agree with you about how it is ridiculous that murderers and rapists can spend less time in jail than someone who had a small amount of drugs on them. I think this country has a lot of bigger problems than drugs.. There are some disgusting issues in this world such as human trafficking and sex trafficking, children that are abused and stolen, shootings and gang violence. It's sad how many people of color are in jail just for drugs. Yet if you're white and murdered someone, you're probably more likely to get out of jail more quickly than a black person. This issue really bothers me as well.
