Thursday, November 3, 2011


Watching the advertising video clips today got me to thinking. I mean, immediately after class I was noticeably having my eye caught by advertisements and immediately thinking "damn, I have no control over that, how manipulated am I already?" I like to think of myself as someone who thinks critically about anything I come across, but sometimes, like today, I realize that my brain has been rewired down to the core to do anything but think critically.

Being inundated with advertisements from birth, some 1,000,000 or so by the age of 18 as said in the video, it's obvious that I too have simply become a drone for these advertisements. Sadly this is more than likely the way it is for most people in industrialized countries. As I could see in the video, advertisers have quite literally tried to 'infiltrate' our culture just to be able to more subliminally, and thus in their eyes more effectively, advertise to us. It was some eye opening stuff I was seeing today on just how deep advertising has been ingrained and tied to my generation.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about how deeply advertising has been ingraining into our everyday lives, even actions. Thinking about how fast that really took to happen is even scarier, and these media giants aren't looking to slow down anytime soon. How will it be in another 10 years?
