Tuesday, November 29, 2011

National Chicken Council

In Food Inc. , i found the genetic modifying of chickens to be extremely discomforting. The fact that they actually engineer the animal to have larger breasts, is plain wrong. Also, the fact that these same chickens have trouble walking because their bones aren't strong enough is disheartening. I think that the USDA really needs to take a look at how these poor animals are being treated. The squalor that these chicken live in is obviously not humane, and i'm sure it's not healthy for the meat we consume.

The way that they refer to the chicken is like they are just food, and not animals. It's obviously not natural that these chickens all come off the farm at the exact same size. In my opinion, it would be morally better for all farmers and companies such as Tyson and Perdue to stop treating chickens with these hormones, and let them live naturally until it's time.

Another point that the one female farmer made was how wrong it is to keep these chickens in windowless spaces where the birds can barely breathe. She actually lost her contract with Perdue because she refused to go to a windowless bird house. The worst part of the chicken segment of the film was how they sent in men to basically throw the poor chickens into a crate to await their death. The men seem to enjoy manhandling the chicken, and you can tell it's really not necessary. Animal abuse clearly is very significant within the chicken farming industry. It's up to the big companies such as Tyson and Perdue, to hold everybody to higher standards to prevent such cruelty.

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