Thursday, November 3, 2011

Did You Know?

In class we talked about the fact the 1% of the population has the majority of the capital in our economy. The top 400 wealthiest Americans have a net worth of about 1 TRILLION dollars. With almost 1 million homeless people that live in America most people may wonder how can this happen? Shouldn't some of this money go into preventing homelessness? Well according to the video and article below, it is very good that these 400 people have 1 trillion dollars, so that they can invest in our economy. Do you agree?
Did you know that the owners of Walmart, which is known for selling items for a low price, take up 4 out of the top 10 spaces for the most wealthiest!? In this video the economist says that if Sam Walton (the creator of Walmart) were alive he'd be the wealthiest man in the world! How can this cooperation that takes middle class worker's money have so much wealth? Also there was a lot of speculation about Walmart paying low wages, how is it that these people work for the wealthiest company in America but are not being given adequate pay!??

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