Tuesday, November 29, 2011

food inc

seeing this documentary makes me want to not eat anything produced from these people again. They obviously don't care about their customers and they obviously don't have any respect for the animals they are killing. Yeah it's food but they're living things, I don't get why the chickens have to be kicked or why cows have to be pushed with tractors. In the past people had respect for the animals they killed to eat and now they abuse them and contaminate our food. Don't these people eat their own food? probably not. it's horrible, but really what can we even do about it? I would like to only buy food from farmers markets but im 22 and broke, how am i supposed to buy food that doesn't have chemicals in it and the animals aren't abused? I think it's time for food production to make major changes. The food we think is healthy isn't even good for us. Our grandparents are lucky they had real food. I don't want to eat for a week.

1 comment:

  1. i agree with you. its really sad to think about. and whats even more sad is there really is nothing we can do about it. i keep thinking about that little boy who died of E-Coli. the fact that he was perfectly normal and died just 15 or however many days later, is sickening. and the idea of what food poisoning is, is just horrifying
