Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I dont feel bad!

in response to the article below, i dont feel bad for joe paterno. today the lady that was the head of student affairs (which included discipline) was emailed by joe paterno stating that he did not want anyone besides him self to discipline his players and if asked/questioned about claims or concerns of team related things that she should expect the players to lie. i felt he had a control or power high. and if he was this powerful to discipline and handle these problems why didnt he in this case? to simply put his Negligence intoperspective simply ask yourself this. if the victim was your brother, son, cousin, nephew, or friend for that matter would you honestly say he did enough? if i am approached by a intern-student and that person tells me he seen a 60 year old MAN violate a 10 year old BOY sexually, i will make it a point to make sure that scum like that would never be around children, me,my team, or my university. when you have the power that he does and control issues, as i stated above, you should do more than tell the higher power and wipe your hands of the situation. in my opinion he is a great coach, but not so great a human. the thing that really pissed me off was when their were people dropping stuff off in front of his house with candels and what not as if he was the victim, nevermind the many innocent little boys that were victimized, that doesnt matter because joe paterno is hurt!?. he is not or will never be the victim in this case. he lost his job because he did not do the right thing.

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