Sunday, November 6, 2011

Undercover Boss

When the television networks have shows like Undercover Boss they are not always just to show poor working conditions but also to get some advertising as well. In another class im taking this semester called Anthropology and Film we have had large discussions on how in society anything that we watch is being controlled and filtered. In Undercover Boss this is especially true because when everything is all said and done the Boss tried to change the way that people looked at his enterprise. By being a really nice caring person and giving out little gifts to his employees, he tried to show people that he really does care about the little people. The types of problems that were occurring at this hotel should have been dealt with and overseen by the CEO because it was the largest of his hotels. In the media today things are always being sugar coated and stories are changed to give businesses a better reputation. Surely some of the larger problems at the hotel were not shown because that would cause people to not want to stay there and the point of the hotels being on the show is to advertise really.

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