Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Go veggie :)

I'm so shocked by what is hidden by food and meat packing industries in the U.S. I'm surprised everyone who's watched that documentary hasn't converted into vegetarians. The thought of animal abuse, and even eating something that is living, breathing, and feeling is the most horrible thing I could ever imagine, which is what caused me to become a vegetarian at 5 years old. I wish there was more I could to do help the cause, but it seems that this industry is very institutionalized and especially with government officials having previous jobs involving the support of the meat packing industries, as well as the conglomeration of of all the industries into only a handful. I'm disgusted by the conditions the animals are treated, with no sunlight, unsanitary conditions, and especially the techniques used to kill them. I think killing an animal is wrong period, but to use a torturous method to kill them is disturbing and wrong. This topic is really personal and close to me, because I guess you can say I feel empathetic for the animals. And the conditions of the workers are almost as bad as the abuse to the animals! Deporting workers by turning them into immigration as a method to fire them?? Did I get that right? I understand many workers are illegal immigrants, but none the less they are people! I can't express how much disgust I have in this industry which does whatever it takes to earn a buck (a understatement to say the least). P.s. after watching Food Inc I've decided to boycott McDonalds.

Just a fun fact - one vegetarian saves 100 animals a year! :)
Most meat comes in the form of a vegetarian option - Morningstar has a ton of varieties.


  1. I was a vegetarian for 9 years and recently stopped. I still don't eat red meat and rarely eat chicken now but i think i may need to go back to not eating chicken at all

  2. its interesting because my whole life i was a vegetarian and the time i started dating my boyfriend, i changed my ways. i still get grossed out about stuff which causes me to get weirded out haha but good for you and sticking to your guns!
