Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Jungle

Last year I had to read Upton Sinclair's The Jungle for American History. Many of you probably know it's a novel that exposes the corruption in the meat-packing industry during the early 20th century. The conditions for the animals and the workers were despicable back then. After watching Food inc. in class, it seems it hasn't gotten any better. There is still only a handful of trusts that control everything, the animals are still treated like dirt, the workers are still being taken advantage of, and the meat is still spreading illness. It is sad to see and few have the means to avoid buying from these companies. My mom started buying grass-fed ground beef over the summer to make burgers and they tasted better and it was nice knowing it didn't come from mistreated and improperly fed cattle. However, the beef was more expensive and I certainly can't afford it when I'm at school. The power these food companies hold is scary, and I hope more people open their eyes to the situation.

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