Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Penn State

i have been hearing all over the news and espn about the Sandusky child abuse case. besides the point that this is crazy , it actually goes hand in hand with my zine idea. i feel that no one really knows who a criminal is or what they might look like. and that being said its said on every level that for ten years no one did a thing! i have a son and i would be pissed if this had happened to him or at some place he was attending. since no one said a thing for so long and it was just brushed under the rug until now everyone that knew about it, and did nothing about it should be held acountable. i guess we really dont know who can be what, especially when little kids are not even safe at a college campus with college officials around them.

1 comment:

  1. I have been hearing about this as well. What disgusted me was that I heard an interview (can't remember what tv channel it was) but they were doing an interview with Sandusky, and he admitted to touching the boys but he did not mean to in a sexual way or something like that. I had to change the channel. I was just like what the.. this is crazy. Apparently a boy has reported that Sandusky raped another boy in a shower or something, and Sandusky said that was made up. Why would a kid make that up? I believe as well that just because he is a respectable white man what he did was wrong and who ever helped cover it up should be accountable. I would be pissed as well if I found out my child was in a place where that had been going on and people didn't care earlier to stop it.
