Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Factory farming

I came across some nasty facts on factory farming here are some of them...

The pollution from animal waste causes respiratory problems, skin
infections, nausea, depression and even death for people who live near
factory farms. Livestock waste has been linked to six miscarriages in women
living near a hog factory in Indiana.

--> when people are being negatively effected from the way we produce food wouldnt we realize its time to make a change?

Each full-grown chicken in a factory farm has as little as six-tenths
of a square foot of space. Because of the crowding, they often become
aggressive and sometimes eat each other. This has lead to the painful
practice of debeaking the birds.

Hogs become aggressive in tight spaces and often bite each other's
tails, which has caused many farmers to cut the tails off.

Overuse of antibiotics in animals is causing more strains of
drug-resistant bacteria, which is affecting the treatment of various
life-threatening diseases in humans. The Institute of Medicine at the
National Academy of Sciences has estimated the annual cost of treating
antibiotic-resistant infections in the U.S. at $30 billion.

The Fact that the factory farming is hurting people should lead to some change. If the animals were kept in sanitary and effective farming stables then most of the animals would not need antibiotics. The video we watched in class did disturb me but I would never become a vegetarian, I just like meat too much. But I think people could shop at farmers markets more and buy from the local community instead of buying from a factory. Farming never was like this in the old days so now that its causing problems it should be changed. Most people do not realize (including me) how bad the animals are treated. They should be raised on a normal farm not shoved into small dark rooms.

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