Saturday, November 26, 2011

Screw the mall

Maybe I just haven’t paid much attention is years past, but is it me or has the whole black Friday and shopping in general has gotten truly insane. Since when do stores open at Midnight on thanksgiving or even early in some cases? I mean really, has commercialism become so central to our country that we now forgo traditions that used to be the focal point of the season. The message seems to be screw your family, screw spending quality time around the table, nah fuck all that and go buy some crap you and your children don’t need just cause its half off. Thanksgiving has been taken over by black Friday and that really makes me angry. It’s all connected to our early discussion in class about advertisement, endless streams of commercials especially ones targeted at mothers have convinced this nation that going shopping for Christmas presents is more important than spending thanksgiving with family. I lost my mother at a young age and I can tell you that I don’t remember a single present I received as a child but I do have great memories of the holidays with her and the rest of my family. Family means more than presents and I can tell you from experience that when you look back it’s the memories of family that makes holidays special not the great deal you got on some stupid toy. I hope everyone realizes what truly important in life, please don’t waste your time shopping.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. People at the Best Buy in my home town were lined up starting at 8am Thanksgiving day in tents. Is it really worth it to spend all day on Thanksgiving standing outside to get a good deal and miss the entire holiday? I don't think so at all and I couldn't believe that people miss the holiday for it.
