Monday, October 31, 2011
warren buffet
Buffet recently was one of the first wealthy Americans to release his gross income and taxable income to the public. it revealed that he was paying a little over 17% in taxes while most middle class americans are paying around 20%. This is indicating that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Buffet is one of the first to argue that the wealthy should be taxed at a higher rate.
there has been an increasing gap between the middle class and the rich for several decades. We were shown some of these charts in class. However this argument from buffet seems to be trying to pull them closer together again. i thought this was interesting to hear a rich person say this and have it be so true. for someone as rich as warren buffet to say this, it goes against expectations of his class.
Rich Children
I constantly see articles popping up online about child celebrities and the amount of money they make. I decided to look into this, and I am in shock over how much some of these kids make. For example:
-Miranda Cosgrove from the Nickelodeon show, iCarly makes $180,000 per episode.
-The kid from Two and a Half Men, Angus Jones makes $250,000 per episode.
-Selena Gomez from the Disney show, Wizards of Waverly Place makes $25,000 per episode (it almost seems small compared to the above two, but don't worry-she is worth $5.5 million).
-Justin Bieber has earned 53 million dollars
-Miley Cyrus has earned 48 million dollars.
Do these kids really deserve that much? Is what Miranda Cosgrove doing worth $180,000? How can so many families in the U.S. be living near the poverty line while teenagers are making so much? It would take a normal family years to accumulate (if they ever do accumulate) the amount of money some of these children make in one episode.
No wonder America's wealth distribution is so unequal.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Minimum wage in the real world.
Thursday’s discussion on minimum wage was nothing new to me. I’ve worked part time in restaurants since I was sixteen and it’s always the same scenario. Employees of a restaurant can be divided cleanly into two groups, kids and very young adults who are just earning some spending money with no serious financial responsibilities yet, and adults who are actually trying to pay rent and live off eight or nine dollars and hour. I’ve always had a lot of sympathy for these people as they truly do struggle to pay for the basic necessities. And no one should ever feel immune to this struggle as most of these adults have college degrees of some kind and are simply unable to find a decent paying job. What makes it even harder for some is trying to pay student loans, which they incurred getting a worthless degree (Real encouraging for those still in school right?) It also makes me incredibly mad when someone implies that these people are lazy and unmotivated, most of the people I’ve met in this field, work far more hours in a week than any white collar employee the only difference is in the pay. Over the years I have become good friends with many waitresses and cooks and have found them to be decent, honest and caring people like everyone else. Why society chooses to treat the working poor as if they are the lowest of the low yet praise celebrities who have done nothing of note as idols is beyond me. So next time you’re out to eat please remember the struggle that so many people in the service industry are going through, and that your tips can sometimes mean the difference between making rent for the month or not.
poverty in buffalo
Saturday, October 29, 2011
record profits are not seeing any reward for their hard work. The top 1% in this country controls more wealth than the bottom 50%. This is a ridiculous way for America, the richest country in the history of the world, to behave. People are occupying Wall Street and many other cities in this country to protest against the destruction of the working class in this country. The classes are becoming too distant from each other. The middle class doesn’t realize the struggles of the poor, and the rich don’t see the struggles of the middle class. If we want to continue this country moving progressively into the future, and not turn into a third world country with major economic inequalities, something has to change.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Where you can look up school graduation rates for New York State. For example, a "nice" neighborhood with a good school district, Amherst, has a graduation rate of 90% with 56% of students graduating with an advanced regents diploma. While Buffalo school P82 has a graduation rate of only 14% with none of the students getting an advanced regents, or plain regents diploma. Obviously one of these schools is in the city, and one in the suburbs. But it shows perfectly how drastically class can, and will, effect you.
class inequality in the US
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Political Cartoon on Black/White Relations
I found a political cartoon that ties in with the theme of my section of the zine for this post. As the name of the cartoon implies in a mere six frames it sums up the black-white dynamic throughout America's history. To explain it in a less satirical manner, it shows how whites forced blacks into slavery and how even though slavery has ended a severe inequality remains. It also implies that one major reason whites prospered so much in America was the use and abuse of blacks, which is an extremely valid point, without a cheap labor source in a forming agricultural society America might not have become the world power it is today. The final point the cartoon makes is that despite recognizing that slavery was wrong and that equality should be a given, now that whites are on top they've lost sight of their beginnings and keep blacks in a subordinate position.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Masculinity in america
Violent behavior is seen everywhere in today's movies, video games, and television and young boys are likely to imitate it. Movies that are generally geared toward young boys such as any of the marvel comic book movies have obvious displays of violence. Most films and television programs display the main character as a man, and in addition, he must be completely in charge, containing his emotions,and willing to fight other men when necessary.
When looking at advertisements, most men are depicted as being strong and powerful. In some circumstances, we see ads selling a product such as a drug that can assist you in becoming more built. In order to stop making young boys think that they must act macho to succeed in this world, we need to eliminate ads that show men being abused or laughed at for acting with some emotion. The milwuakees best light advertisement we watched in class is a perfect example, where the giant beer can fell out of the sky on the men who act semi emotional.
Same old..
gender roles
Here's a clip that shows how young we begin to classify things like this:
Gender roles
playing the race card
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sexual Orientation
Bringing anti-bullying movement to schools
Racist Media During Katrina Aftermath
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Straight, Gay or....What?
Jamey Rodemeyer
Gender Stereotype counterparts
Promiscuous-either Prudish or Promiscuous
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Same Sex Marriage

Being a "Real Gay Guy"
Here is the link:
It's a blog written by a former Canisius student named Jeffrey Hartinger. In this blo, his goal is to open the minds of the people in our generation about issues we do nothing about, and he does so in kind of a humorous manner. It's actually a quite interesting blog.
I must admit, when I first saw the name of the article, Signs You Are Not A Real Gay Guy, I was a bit worried about what the article would say, but it was actually really great. Hartinger basically tears apart the basic stereotypes that go along with being homosexual, such as, knowing how to dress, and listening to Lady Gaga. It also seems to mock the whole "you are not a real man" issue too. Where as "real men" get ridiculed for showing a feminine quality, this blog post makes it seem as if gay men get ridiculed for being to masculine.
Just as we discussed in class, our society puts certain qualities with your sexual orientation. You are looked at as weird if you do not follow these certain "norms". Really though, this thinking process makes no sense. Being heterosexual and being homosexual should not automatically have a whole list of qualities that go along with it. It's just an orientation. It affects who you want to sleep with and who you fall in love with. That's it.
Here's a link that i found of another scene that i was also thinking about...please watch it! It's funny!
So, in this scene, Ross is trying to get fashion help. what you don't see in this clip, is the shirts get messed up and he ends up wearing the wrong one on his date. his shirt is pink and very feminine like. he wears it to the coffee shop and joey tells him that he should not be wearing that shirt but Ross believes all the girls are turning the head towards him cause he look s"hot" and "fashionable." he claims that joey is jealous of his new style. Joey is really telling him to take the shirt off because he looks gay. Which is the real reason why women were turning their heads towards him, because he looked funny, not because he was handsome.
Pink shirts on men have grown to be acceptable. However, super feminine shirts, like the one Ross is wearing, are still extremely questionable on men and i believe they always will be. what do you guys think? Now that pink on men is more acceptable, what else do you think in upcoming years will become more acceptable for men to do or wear that, today, would be considered "gay."
6 stereotypes about women that are proved right by science!
Williamsville gay teen suicide
I'm sure many of you have heard of the recent suicide of Jamey Rodemeyer, a Williamsville North freshman who was pushed to suicide due to the relentless bullying his sexuality brought on. This goes to show how the standing social norms can cause a young teen to be ostracized by their peers. On a side note it's very interesting seeing a Williamsville school condemning gayness when it was one of their schools that came under fire for their hazing of new baseball players via sodomizing them with a broom handle. Back to the point though, Jamey faced the standard slew of harassment; being called gay, a girl, death wishes, and being told he would surely go to hell are some of the many abuses he faced. I personally can't imagine what it must feel like to be in the minority as far as sexuality is concerned in a society where adhering to the norms and assimilating with the majority is practically the only means through which success is obtained. Jamey's suicide puts these norms under scrutiny, though. Why subject a person to torment for a preference they have no control over as far as science can tell? One last thing I'd like to add is what happened to Jamey's sister after his death. At the annual homecoming dance one of the girls who was a main bully of Jamey approached his sister and informed her that she was happy her brother killed himself and that he would surely go to hell for being gay and killing himself, two big no-no's in Christian lore (This is one of many things that outrages me when various religions make comments on touchy subjects). This seems to me like beating a dead horse, excuse the bad pun for want of a better analogy, but what purpose does it serve to approach a grieving family member and belittle their loved one's death? Just because Jamey was gay makes his life less valuable? Objectively, Jamey had nothing less to offer than any of his peers and yet because of one preference his life has come to an abrupt halt.
Here's the article
Well...that's fair..right?
Monday, October 17, 2011
Interesting Stats: Males opinions Vs. Females
I read an article in the New York Times the other day about males Vs. females views on development in the community. It said during hard economic times, men favor more than women the construction of new projects in the hopes that it will help the economy flourish in some way. It stated that apartments and condos were the only development favored by women. I feel as if men favor this happening in the community more because more men work as construction workers and so on. Gas drilling, power plant work, etc. are seen as lines of work for more commonly men. It says something along the lines of women care more about the well being of the community and taking care of things the way they currently are. Women dislike the building of new developments closer to their homes than men do. I feel as if these trends are linked to gender roles. I think women feel as if they need to be more concerned about their homes and the safety of the children. Men are more focused on say their work and making money. I did think the article’s statistics were quite interesting. Check it out here.
Women and Advertising
"Better With the Lights Off"
Girl you look better with the lights off,
Better with the lights off ooh
Girl, you look better with the lights off,
Better with the lights off ooh
Better with the lights off
All the chorus does is repeat that same line over and over. This song is very popular on the radio right now and no matter so many girls have self confidence issues. Girls are hearing this on the radio of all ages. I change the station every time I hear this song and am in shock that its aloud to be on the radio. It is sending a horrible message.
At least it's not Married With Children
Media and Sex
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Images in the media
Women as Objects
Women Sold on Looks
Many independent music websites keep saying she is the "new big thing" and showing her videos and premiering her songs and such. The controversy is though, that she once came out in the music world under her real name, Lizzy Grant a few years ago. She sounded pretty much the same, but looked a bit different. She kind of failed as an artist, and appeared back on the music scene again this year with a new look and a new name. There is much talk about how real she is, especially when it comes to her looks. Many are saying that she got a lot of plastic surgery, and her new face is the reason for her new fame.

Friday, October 14, 2011
What a model needs to do to look like Barbie
This is an article from yahoo news about a model who had her body marked, as if she were going to have surgery to look like Barbie.
Looking at it on an actual person, it's completely ridiculous. And yet, it's what we strive to be. Unfortunately I don't see this changing anytime soon. It is engrained in our minds what we should look like, and what we should think is pretty and the people who have the power to change it are making too much money off of us feeling this way. It's a sad truth. Almost scary. But knowing that it's wrong doesn't just magically make me feel any more comfortable.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
thinness, stats, schools
this is a video i found and i thought it was interesting because it has some really cool facts in there. it starts out with a picture of an EXTREMELY skinny girl. its so scary to see that because there a girls like that everywhere in the world today...some of the statistics that struck me as the most shocking were these:
1. 80 % of women will go on a diet by the time their 10 years old
2. today, the average model weights 23% less than the average woman
this is crazy to me because 10 years old is so young and at that age, diet should be the last thing on someones mind. i feel like since this is such a huge problem in today's society, elementary schools should really start to address this issue because i don't ever remember learning about this and i think this would be good for young girls to become aware of the problems that they want to stay away from.
models weighing 23% less than the average woman these days as opposed to 20 years ago it was 8% less. this proves jean kilboure to be correct when she says matters on this topic are actually getting worse.
were obsessed with this image of perfection that doesn't even exist.
violence against women

I never noticed the violence against women in ads until we talked about it in class. When I searched ads online I couldn't believe how terrible some of them are. There is no surprise that men think it is okay to abuse women and think they are better when they are exposed to this advertising. Because ads tell us what we should be like it's dangerous because it's telling men the way they are is accepted. This is one of the worst ads I found, there would never be an ad with a little boy beat up that says something about him not respecting women. Because men for the most part do not respect women. We live in a world where there is very very little respect for women. I grew up with my mother but that was pretty much the only woman in my life. My father, brothers, cousins, uncles, friends all had a low respect for women and I thought that was okay until I got older. Children are very impressionable and it is really important that they are taught that everyone deserves respect.
killing them softly
This is wrong on multiple levels. For one, the women who they put in these magazines don't even want to be photoshopped. An example was Kate Winslet saying that her thighs were 1/3 the size when she appeared on a magazine cover. Cindy Crawford also said that she wishes she could look like Cindy Crawford.
After viewing this film, I think the worst thing that was talked about was the advertisements that show women in a violent romance situation. I don't know why this is appealing, or why marketers use this technique to sell their product. I think it's vulgar, and almost as bad as the influx of shows like toddler's and tiara's. This whole issue of child beauty pageants is also morally wrong, and we see that it's becoming more and more popular, and these little girls are starting to appear in ads.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Princess Body and Julie's post
Comment on Julie's post:
I agree with this as well. I have never been okay with my body and I don't believe that I ever will. We have all been programed into wanting this perfect body but its so hard to actually achieve it.
I found this video that I really liked..the middle if kind of dumb but the ending realy showed how the mass media can affect little girls
Comment on my princess boy post:
I understand what both of you are saying. It would be hard to raise a child who is different from all other children. I would fear that his pears would bully him. How I see it as, his mother is giving him the right tools now. He is buidling his self-esteem everyday and hoepfully by the time he goes to middle school we will know how to handle bullying situations.
If his mohter would not let him wear the dresses he would probably hate or resent his mother for the rest of his life.
being manly
Killborn Reaction
- I cannot read my sister's mind so any thing in this could be utter nonsense
- My sister is not a lesbian (as far as I know), so do not assume butch stereotype
- If my corpse is found brutally torn apart in the next few days, It means my sister found this post
- Statement 3 was a joke, put down the machete
The image of women in society
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
eating disorders and effects on young girls
While watching this I also remembered how a few years back while I was babysitting a 4th grader she told me how there was a really fat girl in her class and she always got made fun of. The girl I babysat refused to eat junk food because she didn't want to get fat and get made fun of like the other girl. This trend is starting at such a young age. Fourth graders should not be overly concerned with their weight. If they are concerned with weight and their appearance at such a young age, no wonder by the time they are in middle school and high school so many develop self image issues. And where do you think the fourth graders get these images in their head? Most likely from the media and advertising.
jean kilbourne
pink and blue project
this is called the "pink and blue project" that i learned about in my sociology of gender course. they are showing different children and their belongings and showing how much pink little girls own in their room and how much blue little boys have in their room.
In the United States, South Korea and many other places, most young girls love pink clothing, accessories and toys. is this because of their parents though? i think it is because how would they learn to love pink as a girl and love blue as a boy. This phenomenon is widespread among children of different ethnic groups no matter what their cultural background may be. maybe it is the influence of pervasive commercial advertisements aimed at little girls. If you look at the universally popular Barbie and Hello Kitty things that have developed into a trend of some sort . Girls train subconsciously and unconsciously to wear the color pink in order to look feminine.
"When a woman's at the wheel..."
This is an advertisement for Goodyear Polyglass tires. It's message essentially is that women are horrible drivers, so make sure you have good tires ;)
This is an older advertisement so it's pretty obviously sexist but this seems to be before the time when women were overly sexualized, which I think it interesting because if it were an ad for today the woman would have been gorgeous, wearing something extremely revealing, and smiling seductively.
"Enjoy your nature."
This ad seems to say that being a good looking lesbian is awesome, but being a gay man is not. So we should just go with "nature" and drink whatever beer they're selling because we'll get to see two girls oiling each other down.
It's almost funny (while actually being really sad) how ridiculous advertisements can get. And it's a little upsetting what people will actually take away from them even though we consciously think "Oh, it's just a stupid commercial."
women police officers
Gender roles in society
So I’m all for equal pay and equal rights, but the discussion in class the other day about gender roles really made me question is there anything really wrong with the way we divide the work load between genders? To me it makes a lot more sense to have men specialized towards tasks which they are more likely to succeed at and the same for women. Unlike race there are vast differences in the biology of men and women, from hormone levels which regulate temperament and emotions to physical stature and build. Men being physically bigger means they are more apt to succeed at hard labor jobs than women, on the other hand women tend to have more patience and concern for others which makes them more suitable for other careers in which they likely outperform men. Neither side is in any way superior to the other but to deny that each gender possess a different skill set is kind of non-sense. There will of course always be exceptions, but for the majority of society the way we have divided the task seems to work just fine. Yes women in the past have been expected to cook and clean for the family, but no one seems to mention that in most household tasks such as yard work, car repairs, fixing things and anything remotely dangerous is expected to be done by the man of the house. We can either all do a bit of everything to a mediocre level, or we can divide tasks based on the actual skills of each sex.