Monday, October 10, 2011

Crazy Eddie

This past week, learning about the difference between gender and sex, and the acknowledgement that when we tend to categorize people into a group of either male or female, got me thinking of a local example I'd like to discuss - Crazy Eddie. You know how when you see someone you can't necessarily distinguish as a man or woman, and you can't help but think about it until you eventually come to a guess of which category to stick them in? This is what anyone who has ever seen "Crazy Eddie" has thought. Crazy Eddie is a City of Tonawanda local, who appears to be a man, with a male shaped body, facial hair, male facial structures, etc, yet he has what appears to be breasts, dresses like a female wearing skirts, and even has long hair (minus the balding spot on top). I guess at first this sounds a little ridiculous, even funny, but it eventually led to the entire City of Tonawanda and now people of surrounding cities talking about how weird this person is who rides his bike around the city all day long, appearing as both somewhat a man and woman. It's even led to a facebook page which publicly humiliates Crazy Eddie. I'm not sure where he got his name, but I can take a guess he didn't dub himself. Maybe Crazy Eddie's sex is male and his gender is female, I'm not really sure what his deal is. But through the discussions in class, and the articles we've read, I have a new outlook on Crazy Eddie, and I see the cruelty it has led to.

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