Monday, October 24, 2011

Bringing anti-bullying movement to schools

I was so happy to read on the Buffalo News website a couple days ago, an article by Christina Hoag titled "more schools take action to stem anti-gay bullying." The article acknowledged all the suicides and other killings that have happened in the past couple years and what the U.S. has been doing about it. Obviously, gay rights and being gay is becoming more accepted in a way - legalized gay marriage, able to serve in the military. But, for individuals in middle school through - college, there are still troubles to endure. Though we think, oh, gays are becoming more and more accepted due to these societal laws and changes, so it must be okay/easier to come out of the closet. Not really. "Schools became aware last year about how unsafe it can be." I'm hoping to see positive results come from school staff being trained to deal with bullying situations in schools. The article states something such as, how it is ineffective for teachers to just "break it up" or say, "that's hurtful so don't say it" It is about making the bullies recall a time where they felt that way and teaching kids from a young age to be more accepting and not act on their thoughts. I'm loving the part of the article that mentioned, schools are eventually going to have to teach gay-rights history. The article is here, I'd give a quick read over.

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