Tuesday, October 11, 2011

jean kilbourne

i wanted to reflect on todays video "killing us softly." this was my 3rd time seeing this movie and it almost felt even worse this time! After the first time i watched it, i was seeing things in advertising more and more that i would never have stopped to think about before. its crazy how much this stuff does exist and how much we as a society turn our heads to it. i believe advertising is a huge cause to why women feel victimized and have the constant fear of gaining weight. and on the other hand, i do believe that advertising is causing men to feel that they need to be powerful in all situations. i know that whenever i see thin people on the cover of a magazine (which is ALWAYS)i begin to feel kind of sad wishing that i looked like that, however after seeing this movie, it made me realize that there really is no perfect woman out there. but what is perfect? i have sat here for quite some time trying to think about the answer to this question, and i believe my true understanding is that no one truly is perfect. i also thought it was interesting how someone in the movie (i cant remember who exactly) had said "i dont look like that, and i dont want to look like that." i thought that was a really uplifting statement for a girl like me to hear because not ALL woman are looking to be super thin. did you guys have the same thoughts as i did about this movie?

1 comment:

  1. I had the same thoughts throughout the movie! Every day girls are looking at magazine covers wishing they looked like a model or celebrity who doesn't even look like that him or herself. I know I do this all the time. Watching this has definitely opened my eyes and I'm sure I will pay more attention to all the issues she talked about now.
