Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I've just been thinking about how sad it is that little girls are basically groomed to strive for lesser things in life. Basically every girl's toy has something to do with marriage, cooking, dressing up, or housework. In today's modern world, how can we allow this to happen? Why should girls be taught that they are inevitably dependent? The video was right, even the most independent of Disney princesses needed a man in the end. This has to have a large impact on a girl; in childhood these princesses hold the standard for perfection. If the standard for perfection relies on a man, what hope is there for little girls? This mixed with things like toy kitchens, toy makeup, and infant rattles shaped like diamond rings is just a recipe for gender stereotype's continuation. It's really disappointing.

1 comment:

  1. i do agree with you. i never have really given this subject much thought until this class. especially when people show their kids Disney movies and believe its one of the best things you can have them watch but it really is setting them up to fall into the exact same stereotypes we have been falling into.
