Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dont be Such a Stereotype

while in my group today discussing pop-culture the topic of stereotypes was tossed around and it made me bring up the point that stereotyping is wrong , but even though its wrong it seems to fit people very well. so what do i mean? when you think of a race certain things come to mind: a walk, talk, dressing style, attitude. when i say that stereotypes fit people very well is that, take lil Wayne (or any rapper) as an example, when some one thinks of a black male the baggy jeans, the side to side walk, the jewelry, an the mean attitude come to mind. which black rapper does not fit that? and in that case why do they have to behave so stereotypical? and if you behave that stereotypical it shouldn't surprise you to be classified quickly by the people around you. i feel this is part of the reason that stereotypes still exist and seem to be weighted heavier and heavier. the largest names in pop-culture act in a stereotypical manner and it gets passed down to the youth and it never disappears.

1 comment:

  1. Joshua- I love all the ideas that you cover in this post. I completely agree, people say Oh don't stereotype because it is wrong, when in reality most people do fit the stereoptypes. I also believe stereotyping is a way to protect yourself. When I'm out in public, or a place that I'm not usually firmilar with, I evalute all the people around me and decide how to act and who to avoid. I completely agree, that some people do not want to be stereotyped, yet they live up to what people say about them. If you really believe stereotyping is wrong, then you yourself should start to make little changes so you too aren't stereotyped.
