Monday, October 10, 2011

One step forward...

I would like to begin by saying I think there is a long way to go when it comes to gender equality for men and women. Women seem to get the short end of the stick most of the time. However, I think that society is showing some promise. Maybe, by the time the next generation is here, the inequality will be completely gone and men and women, male or female, will be treated equally. I just read an article today in The Buffalo News about young girls who were practicing with an all boys football team, thinking they could play in games together, but later finding out that there were rules against girls playing. However, once this was brought to the attention of the league that was in charge of the football team, they could not find good enough reason to not let the girls play. This is just a small example of how things really are changing for the better. I think that this will be happening more and more and eventually there won't be discrimination in some cases.
This is the link to the article in The Buffalo News.

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