Wednesday, October 5, 2011

In class questions from tuesday on the Reel Injuns

I wanted to discuss question number 2. This question made me think a lot. The Western movies are really understood though generally the same type of audience. That audience is normally a white crowd. The audience believes Indians are truly the way they are depicted in the Western movies. Also in every western they make all Indians look the exact same even if they are from completely different tribes. The part of the document that really effected me was when Neil Diamond showed the screening of Little Big man which showed a scene from the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864 to little Indian kids. If I put myself in one of the Indian kids shoes while watching this screening I would begin to question white people. They would realize that white people thought of them as savages when they never thought of themselves like that. It would bring tension between between the Indian children and the white children. I think that Indian children look at themselves as being just like white children but white children dont think the same.

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