Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Political Cartoon on Black/White Relations

I found a political cartoon that ties in with the theme of my section of the zine for this post.  As the name of the cartoon implies in a mere six frames it sums up the black-white dynamic throughout America's history.  To explain it in a less satirical manner, it shows how whites forced blacks into slavery and how even though slavery has ended a severe inequality remains.  It also implies that one major reason whites prospered so much in America was the use and abuse of blacks, which is an extremely valid point, without a cheap labor source in a forming agricultural society America might not have become the world power it is today.  The final point the cartoon makes is that despite recognizing that slavery was wrong and that equality should be a given, now that whites are on top they've lost sight of their beginnings and keep blacks in a subordinate position.

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