Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kilbourne Reading

The “Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt” reading caused me to have a strong response. I think something to keep in mind, before getting all emotional over some of the provocative ads, is that it is JUST ADVERTISEMENTS. When trying to sell their product, a company will objectify anything if it means getting their product noticed and making it look good in the process. As we’ve all seen by now, most advertisements involve a sex related idea, and lack of emotion for the woman in the ad. On a lot of accounts, I think Kilbourne over exaggerates. I’ve heard she is sometimes considered somewhat of a feminist. She will explain an advertisement, like the one on the bottom of 239 about the perfume and shaking your head no – and then goes on to say “In other words” and explain her interpretation of that. I understand that some advertisements put ideas into peoples’ minds, but it still is just advertising. We all need to understand that companies will make advertisements to get their product noticed, even if it is unethical. I don’t think this issue is something to be too concerned over, because this type of advertising will probably never go away. But, I do think girls from a young age and all youth for that matter should be educated on the meaning of having a strong sense of self and confidence. That way when they do see ads, they don’t need to think, “Oh I need to look like her or act like her in order to be considered pretty or sexy.” On page 245 though it does talk about what we saw in class the other day- using little girls, all made up and seductively posed, in advertisements. As we talked about in class, this seems a bit de-humanizing, creepy, and disgusting. I do believe it should be illegal for companies to advertise in this way. Also just wanted to add- the part on 244 about the Canadian judge accusing a 3-year-old girl of being sexually aggressive… what the heck. How could that have even happened? That is completely ridiculous and I am completely shocked.

1 comment:

  1. i kinda of feel like your not looking enough into it or giving jean kilbourne a real chance. i do agree with you that some things are just too far fetched but she does have a point to everything she says dont you think? did you feel differently after you watched the movie or were your thoughts still the same because after seeing the advertisements that she picks out, she is clearly making very valid points. so many girls today suffer from eating disorders and i think a lot of that is linked to how women are portrayed in the media.

    i do agree with you though that she is a huge feminist and may take things to the next level but its just interesting to think about.
