Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Being a "Real Gay Guy"

After class today I signed on to Facebook to see that one of my Facebook friends posted a link that oddly went along with what we spoke about in class today.
Here is the link:

It's a blog written by a former Canisius student named Jeffrey Hartinger. In this blo, his goal is to open the minds of the people in our generation about issues we do nothing about, and he does so in kind of a humorous manner. It's actually a quite interesting blog.

I must admit, when I first saw the name of the article, Signs You Are Not A Real Gay Guy, I was a bit worried about what the article would say, but it was actually really great. Hartinger basically tears apart the basic stereotypes that go along with being homosexual, such as, knowing how to dress, and listening to Lady Gaga. It also seems to mock the whole "you are not a real man" issue too. Where as "real men" get ridiculed for showing a feminine quality, this blog post makes it seem as if gay men get ridiculed for being to masculine.

Just as we discussed in class, our society puts certain qualities with your sexual orientation. You are looked at as weird if you do not follow these certain "norms". Really though, this thinking process makes no sense. Being heterosexual and being homosexual should not automatically have a whole list of qualities that go along with it. It's just an orientation. It affects who you want to sleep with and who you fall in love with. That's it.

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