Thursday, October 13, 2011

thinness, stats, schools

this is a video i found and i thought it was interesting because it has some really cool facts in there. it starts out with a picture of an EXTREMELY skinny girl. its so scary to see that because there a girls like that everywhere in the world today...some of the statistics that struck me as the most shocking were these:

1. 80 % of women will go on a diet by the time their 10 years old
2. today, the average model weights 23% less than the average woman

this is crazy to me because 10 years old is so young and at that age, diet should be the last thing on someones mind. i feel like since this is such a huge problem in today's society, elementary schools should really start to address this issue because i don't ever remember learning about this and i think this would be good for young girls to become aware of the problems that they want to stay away from.

models weighing 23% less than the average woman these days as opposed to 20 years ago it was 8% less. this proves jean kilboure to be correct when she says matters on this topic are actually getting worse.

were obsessed with this image of perfection that doesn't even exist.

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