Sunday, October 30, 2011

poverty in buffalo

I saw an article in the buffalo news about suburban poverty. The article talked about how the face of poverty has changed, it mentioned how people going into food pantries had masters degrees and lived in Orchard Park. 52% of people living in poverty in Erie and Niagara county live in suburbs, people living in wealthy towns are going to the east side churches for help. Most of this is because people are losing their jobs and having difficulty finding new ones. I posted the article so everyone can read it, and the comments. I feel like a huge problem with poverty is that NO ONE cares unless it is happening to them, the way poverty is now it can happen to anyone. I hope the people that wrote the comments that it isn't their fault people are poor remember that when they get laid off of work and have to go to a food pantry. I personally know a lot of people that thought they were living comfortably who now can't believe they are struggling with money. People with money act like the only poor people are teenage mothers living on the east side who didn't go to school and that it is their fault they are poor. Oh and don't forget these people are living off all the rich people because they use food stamps and welfare. There was one comment that mentioned that Buffalo doesn't need to be a poor city. It looks like everyone that commented on the article is one of those rich people that has stereotypes of who poor people are. Hi, the economy sucks. Everywhere. Poverty can happen to anyone now, so don't talk like an asshole because for all you know next week you could lose your job and be one of those lazy poor people.

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