Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I don't know how many of you have watched the television show FRIENDS..but its my all time favorite show and today in class i kept thinking about a ton of different scenes from this show that i could post on the blog. One scene stuck out in my head the most but i couldn't find it online to post so I'm going to tell you about it. Ross Geller wears a "salmon" colored shirt and all of his friends call it is pink shirt and he always gets so defensive about it because he doesn't want to classify it as pink or he'll be considered less of a man.

Here's a link that i found of another scene that i was also thinking about...please watch it! It's funny!


So, in this scene, Ross is trying to get fashion help. what you don't see in this clip, is the shirts get messed up and he ends up wearing the wrong one on his date. his shirt is pink and very feminine like. he wears it to the coffee shop and joey tells him that he should not be wearing that shirt but Ross believes all the girls are turning the head towards him cause he look s"hot" and "fashionable." he claims that joey is jealous of his new style. Joey is really telling him to take the shirt off because he looks gay. Which is the real reason why women were turning their heads towards him, because he looked funny, not because he was handsome.

Pink shirts on men have grown to be acceptable. However, super feminine shirts, like the one Ross is wearing, are still extremely questionable on men and i believe they always will be. what do you guys think? Now that pink on men is more acceptable, what else do you think in upcoming years will become more acceptable for men to do or wear that, today, would be considered "gay."

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