Monday, October 10, 2011

Learning Gender

Parents obviously play a big role in teaching gender roles to their kids. This was became evident one time in my life when I was younger. I was to little to remember this story, but it has been told to me several times. I grew up with four sisters and no brothers and was surrounded by a lot of girls toys. My three older sisters thought it would be funny to dress me up in the fake plastic jewelry from their pretty pretty princess game. I was only about two years old and too young to protest. My mom and my sisters thought it was the funniest thing ever, and snapped a bunch photos of me in my princess garb. My dad was a different story. He came home from work and was furious to see his son dressed up like a Cinderella. He tore the jewelry off me and began worrying that I was scarred and my manhood was doomed being surrounded by all these women. I'd like to think that my manhood turned out alright, but I learned society doesn't like when we stray from our gender roles.

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