Thursday, October 27, 2011

class inequality in the US

I found this website to take a look at and i found some interesting statistics that I thought I would share.

1.) CEO pay
- in 2009 the average CEO made 185 times more then the average production worker: I did not realize the pay gap was this serious between CEOs, maybe I just didnt realize that CEOs honestly make that much. You would think if a company CEO was making that much money that the company would be able to afford to pay the workers more.

2.) homelessness
- there are 750,000 homeless people on any give night: this is a CRAZY number its so high

3.) Racial discrimination
- an experiment showed that employers are more likely to call someone back with a "white sounding name" then they would with someone with a "black sounding name": this experiment made me think of white people that could have names that make them sound black. Or foreign names that people cant pronounce right. You should not be judged just by the sound of your name

4.) child poverty
- In the US 21.9% of children are in poverty :(

5.) health insurance
- in 2007 8.1 million children under 18 years old were uninsured: this poses a problem that many people could die from sickness just because they cant afford a doctor, also many people could go into debt just from being treated.

These 5 facts were the ones that stood out to me but the other statistics were interesting and you should take a look at them. I would just like to add that I truly think your up bringing (wich is something you can not control) is a main part of your wealth, having health insurance, and where you end up in life. It all about the opportunities you are offered growing up and if your family can afford it.

1 comment:

  1. In relation to number 5, most likely the majority of these uninsured children were from low income families. Generally, low income spend less money on health and diet related goods, leading to more risk to sicknesses. And due to their low income they also would fall deeper than middle class families into debt, if they did need to be treated at one point.
