Tuesday, October 11, 2011

eating disorders and effects on young girls

While watching the video in class today, the most prominent thought that came to my mind was the high rate of eating disorders among girls. I'm sure a large part of the high rates of eating disorders is due to the media and how females are portrayed. Girl strive to look like ways that are impossible for their body type. Eating disorders have severe health effects that can last for the rest of their life. Also, anorexia is very hard to overcome and often even leads to death. This is a serious matter and shows how many people are uncomfortable with how they look, and will go to drastic measures to achieve what they think is "perfect."

While watching this I also remembered how a few years back while I was babysitting a 4th grader she told me how there was a really fat girl in her class and she always got made fun of. The girl I babysat refused to eat junk food because she didn't want to get fat and get made fun of like the other girl. This trend is starting at such a young age. Fourth graders should not be overly concerned with their weight. If they are concerned with weight and their appearance at such a young age, no wonder by the time they are in middle school and high school so many develop self image issues. And where do you think the fourth graders get these images in their head? Most likely from the media and advertising.

1 comment:

  1. i agree that its so sad how these messages are reaching kids at such a young age! just terrible!
