Sunday, October 30, 2011

Minimum wage in the real world.

Thursday’s discussion on minimum wage was nothing new to me. I’ve worked part time in restaurants since I was sixteen and it’s always the same scenario. Employees of a restaurant can be divided cleanly into two groups, kids and very young adults who are just earning some spending money with no serious financial responsibilities yet, and adults who are actually trying to pay rent and live off eight or nine dollars and hour. I’ve always had a lot of sympathy for these people as they truly do struggle to pay for the basic necessities. And no one should ever feel immune to this struggle as most of these adults have college degrees of some kind and are simply unable to find a decent paying job. What makes it even harder for some is trying to pay student loans, which they incurred getting a worthless degree (Real encouraging for those still in school right?) It also makes me incredibly mad when someone implies that these people are lazy and unmotivated, most of the people I’ve met in this field, work far more hours in a week than any white collar employee the only difference is in the pay. Over the years I have become good friends with many waitresses and cooks and have found them to be decent, honest and caring people like everyone else. Why society chooses to treat the working poor as if they are the lowest of the low yet praise celebrities who have done nothing of note as idols is beyond me. So next time you’re out to eat please remember the struggle that so many people in the service industry are going through, and that your tips can sometimes mean the difference between making rent for the month or not.

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