Saturday, October 1, 2011

Native American: Distorted Image

While watching Reel Injun I couldn't help but think of how sad it is that Native Americans were pushed out of their land and forced to live on scummy reservations. I just don't understand how its even still legal. Also it stuck out to me when the Native American costume director talked about how when most people think of Native American they think of the animal clothing, 2 braids and a head band. But the real Indians didn't wear head bands, and this misrepresentation came from when white actors would dress as Indians and used the head bands to keep their wigs on. I think that there needs to be more Native American actors to give people a different idea of real Native American culture and ideas, because due to their decreasing population some people have never met a real Native American and can only go by what is shown on TV. I personally have never met a Native American person and I have an idea of what a Native American looks, sounds and dresses like from what is portrayed on TV. This is not fair to Natives that many people have exaggerated or false portrayals of them before they say their name.

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