Sunday, October 2, 2011

Reel Injuns

In regards to the video and to question number 6 on the discussion questions, the secondary nature of every Native American role does in fact rob their whole culture of being fairly portrayed.
Just like black face did for African Americans, the red face and buffoon and savage roles that NA played in movies keeps them from ever being explored as a whole person.

Also, in regards to question 7, I think it is just crazy to think that we make these movies and cartoons (the Bugs Bunny "one dead injun, two dead injun..... oh nope he's a half-breed" quote will forever been in my head) without any regard to who will watch them. I understand that it's mostly white people watching Westerns, but when a NA sees one it's like being slapped in the face. The movie is completely and literally demeaning your whole culture.

Imagine if we were forced to watch a Soviet Russian anti-American film which portrayed us as the villians, the fools, the idiots. How would we we feel?

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